Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mushroom Challenge Update #2

Hey, everybody! I started the mushroom challenge today! It didn't go so well though...

As I stated before, I had the idea of making Enoki Mushroom Soup. I made a broth with vegetable broth and vietnamese spices. Then, after the spices had been boiled in the pot, I fished them all out and cooked some broccoli florets, green beans, tofu cubes, and enoki mushrooms in there. I served the soup over Thai rice noodles. I know this sounds good, but believe me, it wasn't. I stupidly decided that sauteeing the tofu before hand was unnecessary. Don't ever do that. Tofu takes on the flavor on whatever it is cooked with, and sauteeing and frying is the best way to do this. When I bit into my tofu, I felt like I was eating a warm soybean. Ughhh... not good. If I had sauteed it in soy sauce before hand, it might've been better. Another problem for me was eating it. The enoki mushrooms have tiny caps, so I decided to utilize the stems as well. The only problem was that the flimsy, thin stems got tangled around my braces and it took me awhile to pry them free. So overall, the first recipe for the mushroom challenge was a flop. But at least the mushrooms tasted good!

Before you start the mushroom challenge (which no one has), just know that some of these recipes will not work out. Writing a recipe is hard, and you really have to do your research. Even that doesn't make your recipe a 100% success. If you are a chef, and you have a 33% or higher success rate during the experimental phase of your recipes, then you are doing well. My success rate is unusually high; about 90%. I do make many mistakes, like adding corn starch and potato flour into a red pepper dip, boiling bland tofu, and putting wet stuff on top of crackers that causes them to get really soggy. Don't let my fail experiment discourage you from trying the mushroom challenge; everyone makes mistakes, and we all need to learn from them to succeed. I have a couple more recipes on the way too!

If you would like to join the mushroom challenge by improving my recipe, email me at and I will email you the current recipe.

Here's a photo of dinner. It looks appetizing, but looks can be deceiving:

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