Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Food Preacher

Hey, guys! The results for the poll from last month are in, and Mediterranean Pasta has won! Many of my friends and readers from school have already tasted and made this pasta. It's a middle school friendly recipe for sure! The video will be filmed on the weekend of the 26th and 27th, so you should see it up no later than the 31st of March.

At my school, we had an event called the Poetry Coffeehouse. The 7th and 8th graders recited their poems. Mine, of course, was about eating healthy. Here is my poem, "The Food Preacher."

Eat healthier, fresh foods!
Please, don't go to Wendy's!
Veggies are nutritious
even though they are quite spendy.

The grease and fat they cook with
at McDonald's is quite poor.
Yet McDonald's has lured customers
to eat there more and more!

Those microwaveable meals
are not going to serve you well.
They may say "three-hundred calories"
but the bad stuff do they tell?

Of course they will not tell you!
They do not want you to see
that their sauces and their glazes
have the red dyes 5 and 3.

Go buy a bunch of vegetables
and make a healthy dinner.
A stir fry, or a pasta dish.
A curry that has to simmer.

I'm sorry if I am too strong
in preaching my beliefs.
But when it comes to your well being,
This stuff is a relief.

So please, get off the couch
with your soda and Doritos.
Get up and make some chili!
And please, don't garnish with fritos.

Eat healthier and healthier
for years and years to come.
When many many people die,
you'll be the lucky one.

Remember to check out my youtube channel at to see my video and look at the pages of my subscribers (my classmates). Please subscribe! Follow my blog if you have a google account, gmail, or youtube account. If you don't have any of these, email me at and ask to join the mailing list! You'll get cool cooking tips, tricks, and recipes once a week! Thank you all for supporting me, and continue to stay healthy!

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